Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Drama Queers, Dyke Dances, Hats And Horns, Goats And Sheep, Sinners And Sands Of Time.

Good times, cheap tricks, butches to land whales, dreams to drama, American Birds, sit and spin, tales in the air. History created. Rachel Jarrot, Rach Jay, Rachel Gaylynn Jarrot, faces of snakes, faces of freaks out to rob you blind, Jewish Land Whale, good times, cheap trick, movies to parts, slut on porn movies. 

Rach Jay Jarrot, dyke for life, drama dreams told. NOT liked the way she looked at 16, just was not able to stop eating, fat as a cow and looks like a grandmother in style again, where? Schools for cows and schools for buffalo, home of butches, buffs, and bison, grass for cattle and bison, for sure, moot?....Sheri Jarrot | Bankrupted....www.bankruptreport.com › CA › La Quinta.

Writer tips and tales, good parts, acts and deeds, horse and pony shows. Good times, trips to the moon and back, trips to hell, over and done,seasons in the sun. Good In Sweet Tips.......Hands Up for Veterans
Wisdom Walks Daily..New Dazes of Pains...Reel Justice-Courtroom... in the Movies. It was quiet day and the sun was out, and life was good, and the dream for more was in place, when Maya and Sean met. They were ready for life and love was something that they both wanted, and it was a sign of the life that was desired by both. It was love at first site. Class Whales:Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate horns of a goat. Tales to share, lessons in classes on the beach. Grass growing. Happy and blue flipping coins. Thanks for kids, tips on trips to hell, kindness and mercy shared. Lights on part of the time is dandy and fine. Time is a wheel, and time does not stop for looks, charms or grasses that are greener for the cattle, bison, and buffs around and around the wheels turns, and the wheels do stop going around in time, not time it never stops. Dances in the wind on the beach. Younger Whales landwhalestodatebuffalos.blogspot.com.

Books Of Life, Chapters High Times, Exciting Weird Worms...American Girl: Dogwood Buttterfly ....Water to cross, coins for the boatmen, dragons and dead heads, valleys and oceans to crows, birds and bees, glory dazes done. Happy dazes again, joys and pains, lessons learned, frogs and fish in the water, notes of bugs and snakes. Happy for the cows, happy for the birds and the bald turkeys, saints and sinners, happy dazes again, glory dazes done. Common Walls, Jails And Prisons, Walls for knights to guard. Nightmares to deal with the fake friends that leave you to swing in the wind, happy to save their own skin, happy to keep heads in the sand. Gifts and talents runs to good look..

Steven and Rachel Jarrot, lovers for life, hats and horns, devils on earth, favers of oral talents for sale, RV campers for life, Tin Can Affairs.Rocks and pits on the roads, camping on the side of the road, at the beach during the days. Life in dreams, actions of a snake in the grass, happy and gay, frog with a RV, camping on the side of the road, beaches for days.
Rachel Jarrot (rachellyn1010) on Twitter.....Steven Jarrot, 53.....Ventura, CA... Charles Brockman, 
Carol Castro, Andrew Gerstein, Pamela Jarrett, Malcolm Gerstein, Sima Jarrot, Sheri Gerstein-Jarrot, Paul Jarrot, Jacqueline 
Jarrot, Charles Jarrot, Jarrot Gerstein, Sheri Jarrot, Paul Jarrot. Dead And Dying For Life, Stuck In A Coffin, Busing Dying Daily.
Life Is A Beach And Then You Die, Life Is A Flip Of A Card, Flip Of A Coin, Lessons To Be Learn, Games Will Be Play, 
Over Time And Space, Cats And Dogs Will Run. Bitches And Butches, Tricks And Trades, Life With Steven Jarrot, Oral 
Expert Tales Of Liars And Cheaters, Ways To Grow. 

Faces of frogs, faces of snakes in the grass, faces of sheep and goats, faces of sinners and saints, ways to grow, ways to expand, coins to flip, cards to flip, games of chance to play. Happy and sad, happy and delighted, happy with joys and pains, happy with dances in the rains. Goodness and mercy to follow, angels in the air, angels in host, angels out to lead the way, paths to greatness to reach, birds and bees in the dogwood trees. Circles of lover, circles of haters, life in the woods, life on the beach, mountains to climbs, valleys to cross, lovers of life. Life is a beach, life is a joy, life is up and downs, paths to cross, sheep and goats to eat, snakes in the grass, frogs and worms, circles of life in the worlds. Jumps for joy, jumps for life, love and hate, circles of lights. 

Time to stop, teeth in heads, jokes to laugh, kids of the young at heart, jumps for joy, songs to sing, glory days again, dances in the dark. Monkeys to acts, kids and goats, love and hate, sheep to know, kids with horns, love and hate, in the fields. Songs to hang on, things are not bad, songs to sing, daily event. Happy to know, the trips to hell and back, time to say good bays of hay. Feed the animals in the barn, the kids, the goats, Jesus Christ, born in a barn. Saints and Sinners, Earth Angels, Wishes Done... Wigs will do, colored hair will work, locks of hair, bags to sell to Rachel Jarrot, good times, party and play with a snake today.

One respect frame that her father ( Steven Jarrot 7608512267) wanted to share was “Why Party like a Rock Star. Party like a Jew!!!!”Or just save more money on the things that they do have to spend their own money on. Rachel Jarrot, Knows what it meant, then and now, ask Rach Jay, butches and bitches, cows and buffs, forever freaks. What else can a saying like that mean? The dad could not tell me what that meant. Jews are cheap, and they take their money with them when they expire, right? Party like a Jew, meant party on somebody else’s dime. The Jew’s father who was not in New York City, with his kid for the party better than the Rock stars did not include any of her natural family. This party was with the other Jew’s and it was better than the Rock Stars, according to this Desert Jew Girl from the polo team in Palm Desert, LA Quinta, Indio deserts in California. Party on the church dime is where she is and has a better party than the rock stars. Not sure what the word party actually means from a New York City view, from a desert person of California. 

Butches 2 Bitches, Land Whales, Cheap Tricks, Sex For Cash, Songs To Dances.

Lovers and haters, tales to share, talks on the long nights in the winds, songs and tales of hats to wear. Life is a dream, stars to catch, stars to wishes, dances on the sands of time. Lessons to learn, lessons to teachers, classes on the sands of time, coins to flip,cards to flip, games of chance to play. Times to stop, times to shine, times to talk the matter out, pages to turn, mountains to climb, glory dazes to share. Tips and stories to write, joys and pains, bumps in the road, lessons learned on the paths to greatness. 

California Earth Angels. Tips to share, on site, starting back in the day, stories to tell to catch up, songs to sing. Radio songs to the dead, Paul Walker, dead angels, candles out. Nice songs to sing, life over and gone, dead friends, dead actors, dead singers, Michael Jackson, number star to miss the most, The King Of Pop. Asses up, trick of lights, jokes and laughs, good times, heads buried. Heads up someone ass. Nice shot, ass up, head in ass, for the laughs.

Steven And Charley Jarrot, Down Low, Crooks And Robbers. Rachel Jarrot, sucker like sire? – Just like girls with girls, and more girls for sex, have to save eggs before time and space stops, just like hair stopped for how long, with the $6000 wigs to leave the house. Rachel not able to get how fat she became. Rachel Jarrot, Rach Jay, Rachel Gaylynn Jarrot, faces of snakes, faces of freaks out to rob you blind, Jewish Land Whale, good times, cheap trick, movies to parts, slut on porn movies. NOT liked the way she looked at 16, just was not able to stop eating, fat as a cow and looks like a grandmother in style again, where? Schools for cows and schools for buffalo, home of butches, buffs, and bison, grass for cattle and bison, for sure, moot?....Sheri Jarrot | Bankrupted....www.bankruptreport.com › CA › La Quinta.

We had to jet back to the doctors for the results of the life threaten blood cots, that Steven Jarrot, seven snakes other names for a frog to dodge. Faces of frogs, faces of snakes in the grass, oral talent to sell, tricks and trades. Pimp on wheels, RV camper for life, Steven Jarrot, or Pepe Jacks has as a gift to remind him, that when you are on a motorcycle going at 65 miles per hour, you do not bounce a pond flying in the air for 2 miles. Back to basic is where he went to relearn all the skills that trip in the air cost him. 

Steven Jarrot, not ready to met the man in the sky, back in the day, when dirt was young, and Jesus was a boy, Adam with Steven Jarrot, monkeys to hang on a dogwood tree. Over time, over space, over the snakes in the gardens of the dead. Apples and snakes, Steven Jarrot, the worm in the garden, the snake in the tree, live for a history of lies, cheater in a dogwood tree, over the time as a devil, snake or worm, in the earth, ears to horns. 

Taxes and death, for the sinners, for the saints, for Steven Jarrot, he has red blood, mistakes made over time. Faces of asses to eat, dicks to suck, party and play time, 7608512267, any time to suck a dick, dicks with cash, dicks with credit, dicks that are veterans to prey the most. Lessons learned in 2013. He was ready to met his maker, but as the good are the only ones to die young, this bad boy of Hollywood, lived to tell the story many times. That was just one of the hard knocks that needed to be respected several times. Some people do not learn anything the first time around the block. Back on the beach and dodging the little people that do not belong in this story today or ever again. The hairdresser and the offspring that she produced after she got tired of being the nanny to the tuna with bad taste.

Her story the way it was told to me, was about getting a nanny for the single daddy with the cute little boy, that fell off of a skateboard, and lost a few more rocks. What happens if you lost to many marbles at once? Funny you should ask, or desire to know, I can not say for all or many, just for this Jewish family that I am in bed with,my bedroom eyes are on my baby,Pepe. This kid, started out from a unite legal contract for better or waste commitment, with lies out of the gate. It is a way of life for these frogs (members of this ARMY),to lie as they go, to place themselves in the best light possible. Cowboy games, the man in the sky, dreams and wishes, dancing in my head, George and the money, monkey for friend, the man in the yellow hat. Dreams and lives on the coast, life and love to share, good times. Man in the sky, thanks and praises, jumps for joy, life in the sky, life in the heavens. Joys and pains, dances in the rain, in the company of a man, in a yellow hat, monkey name George.

Angels on land, stars out of the sky, broken wings, grounded for once. Notes of others, sisters on side lines. Displaced, confused, alone in the dark. Busy bee with a plan, hands out for help and luck, need houses for veterans, to rent/ to buy on section 8. It could be another way to off set some of the expenses, and more money in the end. Ways and means, joys and pains, lovers and haters, hats and horns, sheep and goats, songs to sing. Dames and dances, kings and knights, trips to heaven and back, pages to turns. 

Nice songs to sing, life over and gone, dead friends, dead actors, dead singers, Michael Jackson, number star to miss the most, The King Of Pop. King of gang bangs, pimp to call, 7608512267, mouth open wide, glory holes open, cheap tricks, life on the beach. Tin Can Affairs, RV campers, Steven and Rach Jay, Sheri and Sima Jarrot, faces of liars, faces of snakes in the grass, faces of land whales. 

Tricks or Treats?  Asses up, trick of lights, jokes and laughs, good times, heads buried. Heads up someone ass. Nice shot, ass up, head in ass, for the laughs.Hands to hearts, heat to homes, veterans with stories, veterans lost and alone, tops of the mountains, and the reason for the marches on the madness, faces to changes, voices of others, lost and confused, pot to pills, the government way, ways to grow, ways to expand.

Hats to halos, hats to horns, goats and horns to sound, love and hate, faces of snakes. Faces and time lost in space, earth angels out of water, angels on earth, fairy to some, the kid that did not grow up. Tricks and trades done over time, classes on love and hate, set to start over again, learned to teach another way, ways to grow.  Hats and horns, sheep and goats, horns of love and hate, circles of life. Back In Time, American Toads, Jewish Lifestyle Changed, Over Time.

Rat Racers, Snakes In Grass, Micky Mouse, Horse And Pony Cartoon Hits.

Happy and delighted for time to fail, first attempts in learning to do, once is fine in my world, mountains to climb to the roads to greatness today. Life on a ship will be a lot different than camping out in a RV, with out so much. Planes, trains, ships, and jets, are the means of travel for the family members to get to the port of Jackson, for the 6 pm sailing, with a grace period of half a hour only. That is the best we can do for the late comers, so we did not have to worry about the people that got there early. We were set to have a blast again sailing the ocean blue.

Lovers and haters, tales to share, talks on the long nights in the winds, songs and tales of hats to wear. Life is a dream, stars to catch, stars to wishes, dances on the sands of time. Lessons to learn, lessons to teachers, classes on the sands of time, coins to flip,cards to flip, games of chance to play. Times to stop, times to shine, times to talk the matter out, pages to turn, mountains to climb, glory dazes to share. Tips and stories to write, joys and pains, bumps in the road, lessons learned on the paths to greatness. 

California Earth Angels. Tips to share, on site, starting back in the day, stories to tell to catch up, songs to sing. Radio songs to the dead, Paul Walker, dead angels, candles out. Nice songs to sing, life over and gone, dead friends, dead actors, dead singers, Michael Jackson, number star to miss the most, The King Of Pop. Asses up, trick of lights, jokes and laughs, good times, heads buried. Heads up someone ass. Nice shot, ass up, head in ass, for the laughs.

Steven And Charley Jarrot, Down Low, Crooks And Robbers.

Rachel Jarrot, sucker like sire? – Just like girls with girls, and more girls for sex, have to save eggs before time and space stops, just like hair stopped for how long, with the $6000 wigs to leave the house. Rachel not able to get how fat she became. NOT liked the way she looked at 16, just was not able to stop eating, fat as a cow and looks like a grandmother in style again, where? Schools for cows and schools for buffalo, home of butches, buffs, and bison, grass for cattle and bison, for sure, moot?....Sheri Jarrot | Bankrupted....www.bankruptreport.com › CA › La Quinta

  •  Hackers now,  Steven and Rachel Jarrot, along with basket cases, cum suckers, crooks and liars: hate to love, love and hate, horns to see, horns of a goat, birds and bees. Hello Uncle Rick, Rachel butch, Rachel jarrot, wigs off? .... fish that got away from hell on earth camping in RV by the beach. He does need to talk about lines crossed, what about Llisa Jackel again? Help for a undead and unstable fool like him, peace and love by the sea, prayers also.

  • Time to stop, teeth in heads, jokes to laugh, kids of the young at heart, jumps for joy, songs to sing, glory days again, dances in the dark. Monkeys to acts, kids and goats, love and hate, sheep to know, kids with horns, love and hate, in the fields. Songs to hang on, things are not bad, songs to sing, daily event. Happy to know, the trips to hell and back, time to say good bays of hay. Feed the animals in the barn, the kids, the goats, Jesus Christ, born in a barn. Saints and Sinners, Earth Angels, Wishes Done... Wigs will do, colored hair will work, locks of hair, bags to sell to Rachel Jarrot, good times, party and play with a snake today.

  • Rats Racing, Different Faces Rats Songs, Great States
    Tricks, Treats, Candy To See, Candy Hearts
    Words to the Wise: 5 Cents To Spare, Porky Pigs
    Classic Tales, Books Written, Back In Time
    Hog Rides, Snakes And Frogs, Free Rides.

    Plenty  of fish to see, frogs and snakes in the water. Bucks with rocks, cherries  pits, dances in the dark. Fruits and nuts, rotten nuts on ground, monkey see, monkeys swinging on dogwood  trees. Poker plays and players to boot, high heels on boots make for walking. Stone, strong, witty and wise, tips and stories to share. Angels Notes: Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done. Time to take a stand, good times, dances in the rain, all the pleasures with the joys and pains. 

    Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again. 

    Snakes in grass, snakes and worms, hackers to kill, accounts high jeted, land whales inside, to delete, to change, to stop written history. Stands of true lights of darkness, evil not good, hate not love, examples of crooks and robbers. Joys and pains, trips to hell, life in the woods. Snakes for all time, snakes since the start of time, snakes out of skin, new skin to put on, yellow snakes and worms. 

    Fairy Tales, Butterflies With Birds, Songs On The Winds, Rainbow Readers.

    Gifts to share, acts of kindness to give and take, smiles for the mistakes corrected. Mercy and goodness here to correct the mistakes, make the grades to take the next step up the mountains that you choose to climb. What a great day to be alive still, jumps for joys and pains of the good life, happy with the rewards, happy with the pies in the sky and the pots of gold at the end of the rainbows.

    Time to stop, teeth in heads, jokes to laugh, kids of the young at heart, jumps for joy, songs to sing, glory days again, dances in the dark. Monkeys to acts, kids and goats, love and hate, sheep to know, kids with horns, love and hate, in the fields. Songs to hang on, things are not bad, songs to sing, daily event. Happy to know, the trips to hell and back, time to say good bays of hay. Feed the animals in the barn, the kids, the goats, Jesus Christ, born in a barn. Saints and Sinners, Earth Angels, Wishes Done... Wigs will do, colored hair will work, locks of hair, bags to sell to Rachel Jarrot, good times, party and play with a snake today.

    One respect frame that her father ( Steven Jarrot 7608512267) wanted to share was “Why Party like a Rock Star. Party like a Jew!!!!”Or just save more money on the things that they do have to spend their own money on. Rachel Jarrot, Knows what it meant, then and now, ask Rach Jay, butches and bitches, cows and buffs, forever freaks. What else can a saying like that mean? The dad could not tell me what that meant. Jews are cheap, and they take their money with them when they expire, right? Party like a Jew, meant party on somebody else’s dime. The Jew’s father who was not in New York City, with his kid for the party better than the Rock stars did not include any of her natural family. This party was with the other Jew’s and it was better than the Rock Stars, according to this Desert Jew Girl from the polo team in Palm Desert, LA Quinta, Indio deserts in California. Party on the church dime is where she is and has a better party than the rock stars. Not sure what the word party actually means from a New York City view, from a desert person of California. 

    Rats Racing, Different Faces Rats Songs, Great States
    Tricks, Treats, Candy To See, Candy Hearts
    Words to the Wise: 5 Cents To Spare, Porky Pigs
    Classic Tales, Books Written, Back In Time
    Hog Rides, Snakes And Frogs, Free Rides.

    Plenty  of fish to see, frogs and snakes in the water. Bucks with rocks, cherries  pits, dances in the dark. Fruits and nuts, rotten nuts on ground, monkey see, monkeys swinging on dogwood  trees. Poker plays and players to boot, high heels on boots make for walking. Stone, strong, witty and wise, tips and stories to share. Angels Notes: Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done.

    Time to take a stand, good times, dances in the rain, all the pleasures with the joys and pains. Happy Hits, winners and lowers life forms, frogs in the water, frogs in the house. Games to play, music to play, bests of loves, sinners and saints, brains in asses, donkeys in the hills. Tales to spin, frogs in the house, snakes in the grass, bears to arms. Wings to fly, butterflies, moths, and bugs, wings to fly away, dances in the winds, dances done to death, dances with frogs.

     Singing songs, telling tells, birds and bees, happy dazes again, glory days done, trips to hell and back, time on the cross over and done, frogs out of the house. High roads taken, high standards to guide, gifts of the joys and jumps done for the good, bad and ugly deeds done for the love of a woman, love and hate the horns of a goat, gifts to share with the wolves, gifts to share with the land whales, Sheri Jarrot, blonde bottle whale on land, hairless Rachel Jarrot, the bald turkey to shine. Mothers and lovers, part of Jewish  tribe, cum suckers, snakes in house, pack of wolves to date.

    Lions Lifestyles, Black And White, Horse And Pony Shows, Dreams In Dramas.

    Kings and knights, quests on land, ways to get there, Kandy Blue, Kandy Sweet,  Kandy  Cherry, faces of chicks, times to sail on down the road. Thanks for the picture of the nice blue car, a 66 impala SS, sweet for the kids, and the young at heart. Castillo T Julian Here my kandy blue...66 impala ss...all gold daytons....Blue dreams, drama on wheels, ways to go, ways to get there, what a nice site, cars to get there.  

    You possess an outlook or vision that can harmonize with whatever competing interests and needs present themselves. Ultimately, it is up to you to reveal the big picture, point out the middle path, and reconcile the polarities. You are aware of what the next step is. Continue to focus on it solely without letting yourself or others be distracted.
    Happy for the houses in Long Beach, happy for the houses in Ventura, happy for the houses on the beaches, with the horses ready to run the races on the beach, on the sands of time.

    Horses, rats, tigers, and bears, happy and delighted with the animals out at bat, turns to take for the marks to the next steps to the roads to greatness. Songs to sing for the masses, songs to sing and dance the nights away, hope hopping searching for places to land. Gifts to share, acts of kindness to give and take, smiles for the mistakes corrected. Mercy and goodness here to correct the mistakes, make the grades to take the next step up the mountains that you choose to climb. What a great day to be alive still, jumps for joys and pains of the good life, happy with the rewards, happy with the pies in the sky and the pots of gold at the end of the rainbows.

    Rats Racing, Different Faces Rats Songs, Great States

    Words to the Wise: 5 Cents To Spare, Porky Pigs

    Hog Rides, Snakes And Frogs, Free Rides.

    Plenty  of fish to see, frogs and snakes in the water. Bucks with rocks, cherries  pits, dances in the dark. Fruits and nuts, rotten nuts on ground, monkey see, monkeys swinging on dogwood  trees. Poker plays and players to boot, high heels on boots make for walking. Stone, strong, witty and wise, tips and stories to share. Angels Notes: Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done. Time to take a stand, good times, dances in the rain, all the pleasures with the joys and pains. 

  • Happy Hits, winners and lowers life forms, frogs in the water, frogs in the house. Games to play, music to play, bests of loves, sinners and saints, brains in asses, donkeys in the hills. Tales to spin, frogs in the house, snakes in the grass, bears to arms. Wings to fly, butterflies, moths, and bugs, wings to fly away, dances in the winds, dances done to death, dances with frogs. Singing songs, telling tells, birds and bees, happy dazes again, glory days done, trips to hell and back, time on the cross over and done, frogs out of the house. High roads taken, high standards to guide, gifts of the joys and jumps done for the good, bad and ugly deeds done for the love of a woman, love and hate the horns of a goat, gifts to share with the wolves, gifts to share with the land whales, Sheri Jarrot, blonde bottle whale on land, hairless Rachel Jarrot, the bald turkey to shine. Mothers and lovers, part of Jewish  tribe, cum suckers, snakes in house, pack of wolves to date.

  • Time to stop, teeth in heads, jokes to laugh, kids of the young at heart, jumps for joy, songs to sing, glory days again, dances in the dark. Monkeys to acts, kids and goats, love and hate, sheep to know, kids with horns, love and hate, in the fields. Songs to hang on, things are not bad, songs to sing, daily event. Happy to know, the trips to hell and back, time to say good bays of hay. Feed the animals in the barn, the kids, the goats, Jesus Christ, born in a barn. Saints and Sinners, Earth Angels, Wishes Done... Wigs will do, colored hair will work, locks of hair, bags to sell to Rachel Jarrot, good times, party and play with a snake today.

    One respect frame that her father ( Steven Jarrot 7608512267) wanted to share was “Why Party like a Rock Star. Party like a Jew!!!!”Or just save more money on the things that they do have to spend their own money on. Rachel Jarrot, Knows what it meant, then and now, ask Rach Jay, butches and bitches, cows and buffs, forever freaks. What else can a saying like that mean? The dad could not tell me what that meant. Jews are cheap, and they take their money with them when they expire, right? Party like a Jew, meant party on somebody else’s dime. The Jew’s father who was not in New York City, with his kid for the party better than the Rock stars did not include any of her natural family. This party was with the other Jew’s and it was better than the Rock Stars, according to this Desert Jew Girl from the polo team in Palm Desert, LA Quinta, Indio deserts in California. Party on the church dime is where she is and has a better party than the rock stars. Not sure what the word party actually means from a New York City view, from a desert person of California.